ARC is DBE/WBE certified
ARC is DBE/WBE certified
1. Archaeological Investigation of the Callaway Site (23CY227) in Callaway County, Missouri. This was a Terminal Late Archaic site (800 B.C.) with seven large circular structures and 114 pits. The Callaway Farms site is significant as one of the first sites excavated in Missouri to clearly demonstrate the trend towards permanent and organized settlements by the end of the Late Archaic Period. A summary of this report can be found on MoDOT's webpage at: ).
2. Archaeological Investigation of the M.S.D. Site (23SL140A)in St. Louis County, Missouri. The location of this site was used briefly during the Early Archaic and Early Woodland Periods, with more permanent occupations during the early Late Woodland (A.D. 300-600) and Moorehead (A.D. 1200-1300) phases. During the later two occupations, small groups established self reliant farmsteads during periods of economic downturn. People appear to have responded to the downturn by living in smaller, more diffuse farmsteads. They became more conservative in their economic behavior by being more self sufficient utilizing local resources, and rejecting ornate and exotic goods. Social changes also occurred in which group homogeneity and harmony was stressed over individual success.
3. Archaeological Investigation of the Truman Road Site (23SC924) in St. Charles County, Missouri. Investigations resulted in the recovery of 255 pit features associated with the Falling Springs Phase of the early Late Archaic Period (3000-2500 B.C.). These features suggested that the site was a seasonal base camp occupied from late summer to spring. A large Middle Woodland cremation pit and associated features was also exposed. This area was probably used by occupant of a Middle Woodland village located on a nearby blufftop.
4. Survey and Mitigation of the Alexander Jacob Site (11MS2288) in Granite City, Illinois. ARC performed phase I survey, phase II testing and the mitigation of the Alexander Jacob site. The site is a unique, single component early Mississippian period site (A.D.1050-1100). The village covered 3.4 acres and was a planned community laid out in a horseshoe shape with a large central plaza opening to the south. There were 316 features investigated including 21 structures, the largest of which was a T-shaped special function community building. An associated mound with the historic Squire family cemetery located on top remains intact. The Alexander Jacob site is one of the few examples of early Mississippian settlement in the northern American Bottom region.
5. Archaeological Investigation of the Dampier Site (23SL2296) in Chesterfield, Missouri. The Dampier Site represents a large civic, ceremonial, and market center located within the Missouri River bottoms. Years of flooding have now buried the site about 5 feet underground. Remains were exposed during the excavation of the Brasher borrow pit, whose soils were being used to build a levee to protect Chesterfield valley. These remains dated to the Stirling Phase of the Mississippian Period (A.D. 1100-1200). The heart of this community appears to have been exposed as there is evidence for wide spread ceremonial feasting, an L-shaped temple, a mortuary house, market activities, and artifacts associated with the leaders of this community.
6. Data Recovery Investigations At The Willaredt Site (11MS110) In Madison County, Illinois. The Willaredt Site has been explored several times since the 1960's. This multicomponent site had been largely destroyed by borrowing activities. Data recovery investigations were conducted by ARC on the eastern edge of the remaining southern part of the Willaredt Site in June and July of 2010. A total of 38 soil anomalies were investigated resulting in the identification of 21 cultural features. Excavated features indicate a Late Woodland occupation.
7. Archaeological Investigation of Site 23FR1553 in Washington, Missouri. Data recovery investigations resulted in uncovering at least 130 features. The majority of these dated to the end of the Late Woodland Period ca. A.D. 850-900. The transition between the Late Woodand and Mississippian periods is poorly understood and this time is controversial. Thus, this site has the potential for providing new information on this unique time in prehistory. In addition, remains of a farmstead first occupied in 1859 and continuing to stand until 1970s was identified. This farm was occupied by a family who immigrated to the U.S. from Germany. Thus, the site also offered potential of providing insights into the lives of this immigrant family.
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